Tag: “Disability”

EDS: Equitable Digital Systems logo

Equitable Digital Systems

Vera Roberts
The Future of Work: Equitable Digital Systems project is an initiative at the Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD U examining the accessibility of the digital tools and systems we rely upon for work.
Part of the We Count logo

The Importance of Peripheral Vision

Jutta Treviranus
Jutta Treviranus was invited to contribute this essay related to We Count to Some Thoughts, a collection of essays on smart cities.
Future of Work and Disability logo

The Future of Work and Disability

David Pereyra
The Future of Work and Disability project formed a study group to understand and examine intersecting topics of AI, automation, standards and employment as they relate to persons with disabilities.
We Count logo: the right tail of a blue bell curve graph overlaps the left tail of a yellow one within a circle frame. there is a peak at the centre of the overlap. A blue dot is centred within the top of the circle frame.

We Count Project

Vera Roberts
We Count, a project of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, was created to address bias, discrimination and barriers to participation and employment for persons with disabilities within the field of data science and data-driven systems.