Tag: “Disability”

Equitable Digital Systems
The Future of Work: Equitable Digital Systems project is an initiative at the Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD U examining the accessibility of the digital tools and systems we rely upon for work.

Equitable Digital Systems Final Research Report
Future of Work: Equitable Digital Systems (EDS) project team is excited to share the outcomes of a nearly three-year collaboration — during COVID.

How Virtual Care Is Revolutionizing Digital Health
Dr. Jutta Treviranus collaborated in the District 3 panel “How Virtual Care Is Revolutionizing Digital Health” in October 2020.

Introduction to Data Science Tools Resources in the We Count Research Library
Learning data science comes with a steep learning curve, and inaccessible tutorials, resources and tools create barriers. To support a more inclusive environment in the field of data science, We Count has created a resource library.

Informing Standards for Acoustics and the Built Environment
IDRC partnered with Carleton University's Accessibility Institute on the Informing Standards for Acoustics and the Built Environment project.

Journeys through the Digital Innovation Appendix of the Master Innovation and Development Plan
We Count worked with stakeholders to envision how the proposed technologies for the proposed Quayside “Smart City” project in Toronto could impact individuals with disabilities and their networks.

We Count Evaluates Toronto’s Quayside Master Innovation and Development Plan
Project We Count evaluated the MIDP for Toronto’s Quayside from the perspective of persons in Toronto who have difficulty with or are excluded by the current urban plan.

The Importance of Peripheral Vision
Jutta Treviranus was invited to contribute this essay related to We Count to Some Thoughts, a collection of essays on smart cities.

The Future of Work and Disability
The Future of Work and Disability project formed a study group to understand and examine intersecting topics of AI, automation, standards and employment as they relate to persons with disabilities.

We Count Project
We Count, a project of the Inclusive Design Research Centre at OCAD University, was created to address bias, discrimination and barriers to participation and employment for persons with disabilities within the field of data science and data-driven systems.