Accessible Canada, Accessible World Conference

By Vera Roberts

Register now for the Accessible Canada, Accessible World Conference. May 27-28, 2024. Concordia University (Montreal) and online.

Organized by IDRC, in partnership with Concordia, the Accessible Canada, Accessible World conference on May 27-28, 2024, is an international event dedicated to advancing accessibility and inclusive design in various domains. We live in a world where accessibility barriers are diverse and complex, and new ones are emerging at an exponential rate.

  • How do we support inclusive decision-making?
  • How can we ensure that media content and platforms are accessible to people with different abilities and preferences?
  • How can we promote the inclusion of people with disabilities in media production, representation, and consumption?
  • How can we develop accessibility standards that are responsive, inclusive, and effective?

To answer these questions, we need to build an expansive community of practice that encompasses the full range of experiences of disability and other areas of expertise needed to realize accessibility goals.

This conference is an opportunity to co-create resources and to share knowledge and lessons learned in advancing accessibility and inclusion. We invite you to join us in this collaborative effort, and to ensure that the global accessibility agenda is guided by people with disabilities. Together, we can make Canada and the world more accessible and inclusive for everyone.

Conference themes

Theme 1: Emerging Issues and Addressing Gaps. “Who and what are we missing?”

Theme 2: Inclusive decision-making, in which we will collectively shape inclusive design of research, democracy, evidence, proof, measuring, indicators and other decision tools.

Theme 3: Innovation in standards and policy, with a focus on standards for disruptive emerging systems.

Theme 4: Accessible and equitable communications

Conference details

Date: May 27–28, 2024 (Monday and Tuesday)

Location: Concordia University (Montreal) and online

Conference website

Register now

ACAW organizers and hosts

IDRC logo

Concordia logo

ACAW sponsors

Accessibility Standards Canada logo

Aequum logo
